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Trevor Bell
(1930 - 2017)

Summer Sea I by Trevor Bell
Summer Sea I.  1960

Sandra Blow R. A.
(1925 - 2006)

Holly abstract by Sandra Blow
Holly abstract.  2001

Martin Bradley
(1931 - 2023)

Japanese Morning 1963 by Martin Bradley
Japanese Morning 1963.

Martin Bradley
(1931 - 2023)

Two Birds in the Morning Mist by Martin Bradley
Two Birds in the Morning Mist.  1956

Geoffrey Clarke R.A.
(1924 - 2014)

Landscape: Birth of a Flower by Geoffrey Clarke
Landscape: Birth of a Flower.  1951

Robert Clatworthy R.A.
(1928 - 2015)

Horse and Rider I  by Robert Clatworthy
Horse and Rider I .  1955

Roy Conn
(1931 - 2018)

Triptych by Roy Conn
Triptych.  1966

Morris Cox
(1903 - 1998)

Dream Landscape with Lake by Morris Cox
Dream Landscape with Lake.  1954

Morris Cox
(1903 - 1998)

Three Chance Survivors by Morris Cox
Three Chance Survivors.  1976

Morris Cox
(1903 - 1998)

Triptych of African scenes.1989 signed by Morris Cox
Triptych of African scenes.1989 signed.

George Dannatt
(1915 - 2009)

Divisional<br>Divertissement 3 by George Dannatt
Divertissement 3.

Kenneth Draper R.A.
(b. 1944)

First Evening by Kenneth Draper
First Evening.  1992

Roy Turner Durrant
(1925 - 1998)

Inscape: Groton Wood by Roy Turner Durrant
Inscape: Groton Wood.  1974

Roy Turner Durrant
(1925 - 1998)

Untitled Abstract by Roy Turner Durrant
Untitled Abstract.  1962

Michael Finn
(1921 - 2002)

Diagonal Drift by Michael Finn
Diagonal Drift.  1984

Clifford Fishwick
(1923 - 1997)

Untitled abstract. Signed by Clifford Fishwick
Untitled abstract. Signed.

Adrian Heath
(1920 - 1992)

Shaston No. 3 by Adrian Heath
Shaston No. 3.  1982

Adrian Heath
(1920 - 1992)

Untitled by Adrian Heath
Untitled.  1980s

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Cat, Violin and Sylvia Plath Book by Ed  Lewis
Cat, Violin and Sylvia Plath Book.  c. 2003

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Cookers. 2008 by Ed  Lewis
Cookers. 2008.

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Fitou Still Life by Ed  Lewis
Fitou Still Life.  1997

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Happen Horse Extinct by Ed  Lewis
Happen Horse Extinct.  2009

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Kitchen Table by Ed  Lewis
Kitchen Table.  1983

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Little Sun by Ed  Lewis
Little Sun.  1999

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

Metropolis by Ed  Lewis
Metropolis.  1999

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

St Martin in the Field by Ed  Lewis
St Martin in the Field.

Ed Lewis
(1936 - 2018)

The Same Tomatoes. c2008 by Ed  Lewis
The Same Tomatoes. c2008.

John Milnes-Smith
(1912 - 1998)

Composition. 1956 by John Milnes-Smith
Composition. 1956.

Bob Osborne

Finding Common Ground by Bob Osborne
Finding Common Ground.  2002

Bob Osborne

Sacking and Net by Bob Osborne
Sacking and Net.  2002

Ray Povey

Still Lives series by Ray  Povey
Still Lives series.  2005-06

Ray Povey

Still Lives series  by Ray  Povey
Still Lives series .  2005-06

Ray Povey

Still Lives Series by Ray  Povey
Still Lives Series.  2005-06

Ray Povey

Still Lives Series by Ray  Povey
Still Lives Series.  2005-06

Peter Rainsford
(b. 1921)

Dordogne Landscape by Peter  Rainsford
Dordogne Landscape.  c. 1958

Robert Sadler
(1909 - 2001)

Painting 1. 1966 by Robert Sadler
Painting 1. 1966.  1966

Dillwyn Smith

Untitled by Dillwyn Smith
Untitled.  2005

Christopher Sturgess-Lief
(1937 - 2011)

Untitled Abstract by Christopher Sturgess-Lief
Untitled Abstract.  c. 1964

Nigel Temple
(1926 - 2003)

Apple of Sodom by Nigel Temple
Apple of Sodom.  1980

Donald Wells
(1929 - 2014)

Profiles by Donald Wells
Profiles.  1961

John Wragg R.A.
(1937 - 2020)

Adam and Eve by John Wragg
Adam and Eve.  1987